Effect of Water Irrigation pH Different Scales on Citrus Seedlings Growth under Several Fertilizer Levels.

Document Type : Review Articles


1 مرکز البحوث الزراعيه

2 Hort. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ

3 Higher Institute for Agriculture Co-Operation, Cairo, Egypt

4 Horticulture Research Institute , ARC, Giza


Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis) seedlings on Sour orange (Citrus aurantum ) “ SO” or Volkamer lemon (Citrus Volkamariana)    “ VL”  fertilized with three nutrient doses 50 ; 75 and 100 percentage of nursery recommendation and irrigated with water at four pH levels : the control ; pH5 ; pH7 and pH9. .Results showed that; Valencia orange seedlings on both SO or VL stocks gave the best stem: height and diameter; leaf area; root length and width; under 50% or 75 % nutrient doses of nursery recommendation when irrigated with water at pH7. SO stock fertilized with 50% nutrient dose and irrigated with water at pH7 gave the highest  leaf Chl. a content , also, VL stock under 50% or 75% nutrient dose  and irrigated with water at pH7 gave the same trend. Whereas, both stocks under 50% or 75% dose and irrigated with water at pH7 gave the highest leaf Chl. b content.  SO or VL stocks fertilized with 50% or 75% of the control and irrigated with water pH7 significantly gave the highest leaf carbohydrates contents, both citrus stocks fertilized with 100%  the control  and irrigated with water  pH9 was the lowest.  SO or VL stocks fertilized with50% or 75% doses and irrigated with water pH7 significantly increased N , P & K  percentage, but which fertilized with 100% dose and irrigated with water pH7 or pH9 was the lowest.
