Alternative Irrigation Method as an Effective Technique for Rationalization of Irrigation with Foliar Fertilizer on Henna (Lawsonia alba, Lam.) Plants

Document Type : Original Article


1 Vegetable and Ornamental Dept., Fac. of Agric. Damietta Univ., Damietta, Egypt.

2 Water Requirements and Field Irrigation Department, Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute. Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.


WATER SHORTAGE problem in Egypt is continuously increasing and it is prospected to reach the threshold level of less than 500 m3/year/capita which so-called water scarcity limit. Therefore, the present study was carried out to use alternative irrigation technique I1 (traditional irrigation like to practice by local farmers in the studied area), I2 (irrigation furrow and left furrow with a fixed shape during the growing season) and I3 (irrigation furrow and left furrow with an alternative shape during the growing season) on Lawsonia alba Lam plants and were applied foliar sprayed by potassium, micronutrients and humic liquid fertilizer. Despite, all growth was enhanced under I1, chemical characteristics of henna plants were significantly increased by using I3. The lowest values of applied irrigation water (AW) and water consumptive use (CU) were recorded under irrigation treatment I3 (3397.09 and 3410.32 m3/ fed) and (2001.95 and 2020.49 m3/fed) in the two seasons, respectively. Spraying plants with micronutrients only and micronutrients combined with potassium and humic observed highly growth characters, chemical criteria and the main component in most cases which increasing the leaves yield /fed for about 35.16%, lawsone yield/plant 43.37% and tannins yield/plant 35.64%, respectively when compared to non-sprayed plants. The deficit irrigated (I3) spraying with micronutrients, potassium, and humic liquid fertilizer produced higher water productivity (WP) and productivity of irrigation water (PIW) in comparison to other irrigation treatments for both yields of leaves and lawsone. The decrease of AW in the treatment I3 saving about 25.47% of water in the growing season.
